Elephanta Caves Mumbai – Portray of Mystical Era

I accepted the sudden change of trend from Jaisalmer to Mumbai effortlessly, though it was my singlehanded journey. My mom says that accepting the people and the circumstances as they are, is the biggest achievement of your life. No expectations are there to hurt you. So with lots of enthusiasm but nil of expectations I headed towards Elephanta Caves Mumbai. The blue waters were inspiring me to be as profound as the sea. I paid some extra penny to rejoice the sea view from the upper deck.

Legend says that the heart of a human being should be that of a sea- immense and tolerable! These are the virtues that take life to timeless journey. I try my hard to walk on the codes. The Caves is 9 miles away from Gateway of India. The green island is the portrayal of craftsmanship that existed in the 7th century. There is the rock-cut cave temple that is dedicated to the human deity Lord Shiva.

elephanta caves mumbai

Elephanta Caves Mumbai | Image Resource : skyscrapercity.com

shiva linga in elephanta caves mumbai

Shiva Linga in Elephanta Caves Mumbai | Image Resource : mountainsoftravelphotos.com

I was overwhelmed with the sight at The Maheshamurti section where Shiva is depicted as originator, defender and destroyer. It is the picture that could be cherished for the lifetime. For except Mondays, the Cave is opened rest of the days with the same glory and historical tales to be narrated to the visitors. This is the place that hardly any tourists miss from their itinerary. Travelling in a ship is the time machine that carries you back from the contemporary and bustling commerce of the city to the era of faith and mysticism.

shiva sculpture inside the elephanta caves

Shiva Sculpture Inside The Elephanta Caves | Image Resource : en.wikipedia.org

trimurti sculpture at elephanta caves

Trimurti Sculpture at Elephanta Caves | Image Resource : en.wikipedia.org

The caves are the depiction of the era when carving out immense statues was a blessing in its own terms. Instead of hiring an expensive guide I preferred to purchase the guide book. This helped me a lot throughout my travel to the caves. There are sum of seven caves as said by the guide book. I was able to see five of them. I took numberless pictures of the carvings, sculptures and inscriptions. Without consuming more time at Elephanta Caves Mumbai I took my next ship back to the bustling city to witness the allure of Flora Fountain Mumbai.